Call for Abstract

6th International Conference on Clinical Immunology, Neuropharmacology and Drug Development, will be organized around the theme “ Bridging Pathways for Innovative Drug Development”

Neuropharmacology 2024 is comprised of 10 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Neuropharmacology 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Join us for a captivating exploration into the intricate relationship between neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases at our session on Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration. Discover the latest research findings uncovering the role of microglia and astrocytes in driving neuroinflammatory responses, and explore innovative therapeutic strategies aimed at mitigating neurodegenerative processes. This session promises to provide valuable insights into novel targets and interventions that hold the potential to revolutionize the treatment landscape for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts in the field and contribute to the advancement of our understanding of neuroinflammation and its implications for neurodegeneration.

Track 1: Role of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease
Track 2: Neuroinflammatory Mechanisms in Parkinson's Disease
Track 3: Neuroimmune Crosstalk in Multiple Sclerosis
Track 4: Therapeutic Targets for Neuroinflammation in Stroke

Step into the world of psychiatric pharmacotherapy at our session on Psychiatric Disorders and Pharmacotherapy. Delve into the latest advancements in psychotropic medications and therapeutic approaches for depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. From elucidating the mechanisms of action of antidepressants and antipsychotics to exploring innovative treatment modalities, this session offers a comprehensive overview of the pharmacological management of psychiatric disorders. Join us for insightful discussions, cutting-edge research presentations, and opportunities to connect with experts shaping the future of psychiatric pharmacotherapy.

Track 1: Pharmacological Treatments for Depression
Track 2: Novel Drug Targets for Anxiety Disorders
Track 3: Antipsychotic Medications in Schizophrenia
Track 4: Mood Stabilizers and Antidepressants in Bipolar Disorder

Embark on a journey through the intricate landscape of neurotransmitter systems and drug development at our session on Neurotransmitter Systems and Drug Development. Uncover the latest research on dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, and GABAergic pathways, and explore the potential of targeting these systems for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. From preclinical studies to clinical trials, this session will showcase innovative approaches to drug discovery and development, offering valuable insights into novel drug targets and therapeutic strategies. Join us for an enriching experience filled with engaging presentations, thought-provoking discussions, and networking opportunities with leaders in the field.

Track 1: Dopaminergic Modulation in Neurological Disorders
Track 2: Serotonergic Pathways and Psychiatric Pharmacology
Track 3: Glutamatergic Neuropharmacology in Addiction
Track 4: GABAergic Regulation in Anxiety and Sleep Disorders

Experience a comprehensive exploration of the neuropharmacology of pain management at our session on Neuropharmacology of Pain Management. Dive into the mechanisms underlying pain perception and the development of pharmacological interventions for acute and chronic pain conditions. From opioid analgesics to cannabinoids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), this session will cover a wide range of therapeutic options and their clinical applications. Join us for illuminating discussions, insightful presentations, and opportunities to collaborate with experts in the field as we strive to improve outcomes for individuals suffering from pain.

Track 1: Opioid Analgesics and Pain Relief Mechanisms
Track 2: NMDA Receptor Antagonists in Neuropathic Pain
Track 3: Cannabinoid Pharmacology for Pain Control
Track 4: Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in Pain Management

Immerse yourself in the dynamic intersection of neuroimmunology and pharmacology at our session on Neuroimmunology and Immunopharmacology. Explore the intricate interplay between the nervous and immune systems and its implications for neurological and psychiatric disorders. From autoimmune encephalitis to neuroinflammatory conditions and beyond, this session will highlight the latest research on immunomodulatory therapies and their potential to revolutionize treatment approaches. Join us for stimulating discussions, cutting-edge presentations, and networking opportunities with experts at the forefront of neuroimmunology and immunopharmacology.

Track 1: Immune Modulation in Neurological Autoimmune Diseases
Track 2: Neuroimmune Signaling in Psychiatric Disorders
Track 3: Immunomodulatory Therapies for Neuroinflammatory Conditions
Track 4: Neuroimmune Interactions in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Embark on a journey of discovery into the world of drug development and preclinical models at our session on Drug Discovery and Preclinical Models. Explore innovative approaches to identifying and validating drug targets, screening compound libraries, and optimizing drug candidates for clinical translation. From animal models to in vitro assays and computational techniques, this session will showcase the latest advancements in drug discovery research. Join us for thought-provoking discussions, insightful presentations, and opportunities to collaborate with experts in academia, industry, and government as we work towards bringing novel therapeutics to patients in need.

Track 1: Animal Models of Neurological Disorders
Track 2: In Vitro Assays for Drug Screening in Neuropharmacology
Track 3: Computational Approaches to Drug Discovery in Neuroscience
Track 4: Target Identification and Validation in Neurological Drug Development

Delve into the latest advancements in therapeutic innovations for neurological disorders in this session. Explore emerging treatments for epilepsy, movement disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, and other neurological conditions, including gene therapies, cell-based therapies, and neurostimulation techniques. Discuss the challenges and opportunities in translating preclinical research into clinical practice, and learn about ongoing clinical trials and novel therapeutic targets. Experts will share insights into the future of neurological therapeutics, including personalized approaches and precision medicine strategies. Join us for engaging discussions, cutting-edge research presentations, and opportunities to collaborate with leaders in the field of neurological therapeutics.

Track 1: Emerging Treatments for Epilepsy: Gene Therapies and Neurostimulation Techniques
Track 2: Novel Therapeutics for Movement Disorders: Cell-Based Therapies and Neuroprotective Agents
Track 3: Precision Medicine in Neurology: Personalized Approaches and Biomarker Identification
Track 4: Clinical Trials and Translational Research in Neurological Therapeutics

Explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its implications for cognitive enhancement in this session. Delve into the mechanisms underlying neuronal plasticity, including synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis, and dendritic remodeling, and discover how pharmacological interventions can modulate these processes to enhance cognitive function. Topics will include the role of neurotrophic factors, nootropic agents, and cognitive enhancers in promoting synaptic connectivity and cognitive resilience. Join us for stimulating discussions, innovative research presentations, and insights into novel strategies for optimizing brain health and cognitive performance.

Track 1: Mechanisms of Neuroplasticity: Synaptic Remodeling and Neurogenesis
Track 2: Neurotrophic Factors and Cognitive Resilience
Track 3: Pharmacological Modulation of Neuroplasticity for Cognitive Enhancement
Track 4: Nootropic Agents and Cognitive Performance Improvement

Dive into the complex interplay between neuropharmacology and addiction medicine in this session. Explore the neurobiology of addiction, including the reward circuitry, craving pathways, and neuroadaptations associated with substance use disorders. Discuss pharmacological interventions for addiction treatment, including agonist and antagonist therapies, behavioral interventions, and medication-assisted treatments. Topics will also include the use of neuropharmacological approaches in managing co-occurring psychiatric disorders and addressing the opioid epidemic. Join us for thought-provoking discussions, evidence-based practices, and innovative strategies for tackling addiction and promoting recovery.

Track 1: Neurobiology of Addiction: Reward Circuitry and Craving Pathways
Track 2: Pharmacotherapy for Substance Use Disorders: Agonist and Antagonist Therapies
Track 3: Medication-Assisted Treatment and Behavioral Interventions for Addiction
Track 4: Co-occurring Disorders: Managing Psychiatric Comorbidities in Addiction Treatment

Investigate the intersection of neuropharmacology and aging in this session focused on understanding and addressing age-related changes in the brain. Explore the neurobiology of aging, including neuroinflammatory processes, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction, and discuss pharmacological interventions aimed at preserving cognitive function and promoting healthy aging. Topics will include the use of neuroprotective agents, cognitive enhancers, and lifestyle interventions in mitigating age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Join us for enlightening discussions, evidence-based approaches, and insights into promoting brain health and resilience across the lifespan.

Track 1: Age-Related Neuroinflammation and Oxidative Stress: Implications for Brain Health
Track 2: Neuroprotective Strategies for Healthy Aging: Lifestyle Interventions and Dietary Supplements
Track 3: Cognitive Decline and Dementia: Pharmacological Interventions and Disease Modification
Track 4: Promoting Brain Resilience Across the Lifespan: From Childhood to Late Adulthood